Chrome bathroom Fixtures and Fittings are beautiful and stylish. In fact, they are mostly confused with stainless steel. They have a clean and sparking appearance that makes even the most ordinary shower rooms look exquisite and neat. However, they easily become dull after attracting dirt from dust, hard water stains, and soap scum deposits. The key to dealing with all these is investing in a regular cleaning routine. So then, follow our discussion on how to clean chrome.
How to Clean Chrome with Soap and Water
Since chrome is easy to maintain, properly maintained fittings and fixtures require just water and soap to clean.
Tools and Supplies
- Hot water
- Liquid soap detergent
- Toothbrush/ soft brush
- Non- abrasive sponge/ microfiber cloth
- Bucket
- Chrome polish (Optional)
Step 1: Mix water that is hot to the touch with liquid detergent in a bucket. Cycle with your hands until the soap lathers.
Step 2: Dip a sponge or microfiber cloth into the solution, wring slightly and clean the fittings and fixtures thoroughly. Ensure that one is completely clean before moving to another to prevent the soapy water residue from drying on the surfaces in the process.
Step 3: Inspect the creases and crevices for accumulated dirt and use a soft brush or toothbrush to scrub out all the dirt. Add a few drops of liquid detergent to loosen hard to clean grime.
Step 4: Rinse off with cold water to remove excess soap.
Step 5: Use a clean microfiber cloth to dry off excess water.
Step 6: Apply chrome polish if necessary. Alternatively use a dryer sheet to rub the surface until it becomes more shinny.
Cleaning Chrome with Rubbing Alcohol
If you need a quick fix in between your soap and water cleaning days, rubbing alcohol gets the job done in a snap.

Tools and Supplies
- Rubbing alcohol
- Microfiber cloth
Step 1: Spray rubbing alcohol generously on a microfiber cloth and rub each fitting or fixture at a time until all the dirt is cleared.
Step 2: Buff the cleaned areas with a dry microfiber cloth until they begin to gleam.
How to Clean Chrome with Baking Soda, Lemon and Vinegar
If your bathroom fixtures are a complete turnoff, this method is your best suited option for cleaning. It removes grime, stains and deposits that are difficult to clean with the other methods that are provided in this article. It is also a good choice for chrome shower heads. However, you can check out our guide for cleaning other types of shower heads.
Tools and Supplies
- Baking soda
- Lemon
- White distilled Vinegar
- Plastic bowl
- Sponge/ microfiber cloth
- Soft brush or toothbrush
Step 1: Mix baking soda and squeezed lemon juice in a bowl to form a paste.
Step 2: Use a sponge or microfiber cloth to apply the paste on the fittings and fixtures.
Step 3: Use a soft brush or toothbrush to scrub all the dirty areas thoroughly. Emphasize on crevices and creases where dirt has accumulated for a long time.
Step 4: Let soak for 10 minutes and use a sponge to work in vinegar all around the cleaned areas.
Step 4: Rinse off with cold water wipe dry with a microfiber cloth.
How to Maintain Chrome Fixtures and Fittings
Clean regularly to prevent accumulation of dirt and grime that can result to corrosion and other forms of permanent damage.
Use a non-abrasive sponge or microfiber cloth to clean because chrome develops scratches easily.
Dry with a microfiber cloth after cleaning to prevent the formation of dried water stains.
Apply chrome polish once in a while to maintain the shinny appearance.
Do not soak chrome in vinegar, lemon or solutions that are based on these products for a long time to avoid damage.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is best to clean chrome?
It is best to clean chrome with a solution of hot water and regular detergent or dish soap. If you do this on a regular basis, your chrome will maintain a sleek and shinny appearance for a long time.
How do you clean tarnished chrome?
Tarnished chrome has sticky grime that requires more than just soap and water to clean. Use lemon and baking soda to form a paste. Apply the paste on the chrome fixtures and fittings with a toothbrush or sponge.
Let soak for about ten minutes and scrub the surface with a non-abrasive sponge that is dipped in vinegar. Clean until all the dirt comes off. Finish up by rinsing up with clean water.
Will vinegar damage chrome fixtures?
Vinegar is a good cleaning agent but it can damage chrome fixtures if over used. Develop a routine of cleaning chrome fixtures with water and soap. This will limit the times you use vinegar. Ideally, vinegar is only necessary when cleaning off tarnish.
How can I clean hard water stains off chrome?
Yes! You can clean hard water stains of chrome with lemon, baking soda and vinegar. However, you can also use a store bought stain remover for chrome.
How can I restore chrome bathroom fixtures?
You can use a microfiber cloth to wipe and make chrome appear shinny after cleaning. Another solution is to apply chrome polish. It will make your fixtures appear as good as new.
How do you clean polished chrome?
Clean polished chrome with a solution of water and dish soap. You can also use any other regular detergent. Dry it well with a microfiber cloth to achieve a shiner appearance.
Can you use Windex on chrome bathroom fixtures?
Ammonia free Windex can be used to clean chrome fixtures and fittings. However, it is important to be careful when choosing other store bought cleaning products. Some contain bleach and other cleaning agents that might not be good for chrome.
How do you clean chrome plated bathroom fittings?
Use a solution of warm water and soap to clean chrome plated fittings. Scrub gently with a non-abrasive sponge or brush to remove sticky dirt and grime. Rinse well with clean water and wipe dry with a soft microfiber cloth.